Dear Assemblywoman Strom-Martin,
I live in Caspar. It's been a positive experience working with the folk here who are trying to preserve our town, especially the Caspar Headlands.
Dear Assembly Member Carole Migden,
As my SF Supervisor you were wonderful in working for issues that mattered to the community. As Assembly Member I know you are carrying on the same work for the state of California. That is why I want you to know that the upcoming Mendocino Coastal resource allocation is important to me and to the people of California. The Caspar Headlands and riparian corridor, for example, represent one of the few undeveloped open spaces where visitors and residents alike can approach the ocean, but it is now for sale and at risk. With Caspar Beach, which is already being acquired, these headlands provide access, habitat for endangered coastal species, and a sense of wildness that defines our state's north coast. The community has come together and worked hard on these issues and I urge you to work to pass the funding to preserve these lands. Thank you for your help,
Dear Assemblywoman Denise Moreno Ducheny,
I am aware that the Mendocino County resource allocation for the purchase of coastal access for the public is coming up. This is an issue that is very important to me, and I just want to urge you to do what you can to pass the funding to preserve the lands included. Thank you for your time and help, Sincerely,
Dear Senator Chesbro: Thank you for your continuing support. As frequent visitors, we want to ask your support for the Mendocino coastal headlands and riparian corridors, especially for the Caspar Headlands. This undeveloped area is now for sale, and should be preserved as access and wildlife habitat and we urge you to work to pass the funding necessary to save it for us and the visiting public. Sincerely, |
Dear Governor: As the father of an elementary school teacher working in a very ethnically mixed community I wholeheartedly approve of your priorities directed towards education. But I hope you will agree that our environment also ranks high in importance. I want you to know that the upcoming Mendocino Coastal resource allocation is important to me and to the people of California. The Caspar Headlands and riparian corridor, for example, represent one of the few undeveloped open spaces where visitors and residents alike can approach the ocean, but is now for sale and at risk. With Caspar Beach, which is already being acquired, these headlands provide access, habitat for endangered coastal species, and a sense of wildness that defines our state's north coast. I urge you to lend your influence to pass the funding to preserve these lands. Thank you for your help. |
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: : last updated 2 June 1999 : 10:32 Caspar (Pacific) time : :
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