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Caspar Community Meeting: June 2000

Caspar News and Press Releases

Caspar Community Invites Farming

On Sunday, June 11th, at 3 PM, interested coastal residents will gather at the former What's Afoot Gallery (across Caspar Road from the Mendocino Coast Jewish Community Center) to discuss the importance of including an agricultural element in plans for the north coast's future. Caspar native Stuart Tregoning explains, "Agriculture was once a vibrant and profitable venture here on the coast. We need local food production to ensure that we thrive in the future no matter what surprises the global economy springs on us."

Sunday's meeting is the next step in Caspar's ongoing planning process. A working group of interested folks has been meeting for the past three months to discuss ideas for integrating agriculture into Caspar's hundred year plan in order to redevelop an agricultural base in our own community that can be relied on for a large part of the fresh food consumed in our area. Judy Tarbell, one of the working group's founding members, notes that "much of the land that is up for sale in the Caspar community, and along the north coast, is zoned and appropriate for agriculture. We invite organic farmers and gardeners from Caspar and other parts of the coast to join together in a community of growers." Tarbell remarked that community-sponsored agriculture (CSA) is cropping up all over the world. "We're fortunate in Caspar to have Sita Francia and our own CSA program, but the effort needs to be broader."

One key idea developed by the working group proposes an agriculture institute and practical learning center. Such a center could offer classes and a certificate program, as well as housing for participants and workers, and land on which to study, learn, and produce sustenance.

According to John Wozniak, another of the working group's members, "Sunday's meeting offers us a chance to work together to secure local supply of our basic needs. We should all be involved in planning the future of our community, and this is the best forum." Wozniak urges anyone with interest in food production, organic agriculture, and sustainable community development, to attend.

As always, for more information about the Caspar Community's Hundred Year Plan and community-building activities, please visit their website at .

written by Michael Potts for the Mendocino Beacon, 8 June 2000

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