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Caspar Maps: Village Square

Development Swap rationale

Downtown Large Parcels

"Downtown" Caspar Planning
by Caspar Community Meeting
13 February 2005

What we want to accomplish


Caspar Cattle Company and Caspar Community agree to trade land for support for a transfer of development opportunities.


Caspar Cattle Company agreed to gift the land to the west and south of the Caspar Community Center (Area I including RV parcel 15 and the western 400 feet of a Certificate of Compliance (CC) on parcel 27) to the Community, to be annexed to the Caspar Community parcel 16; that parcel will be rezoned RV.


In return, Caspar Community will support the revival of six residential CCs and two RV CCs extincted when the Headlands were purchased.


Four new clustered residential parcels will be created in Area II, with the goal of preserving the view from the highway to the village and ocean while maintaining the "forest." Two new residential parcels will be created in Area III on the northern portion of parcel 18/1. Zoning for these two new areas of residential development is to be determined.


Two new RV parcels will be created in Area IV, to the east of the extension of the Community Center parcel's eastern boundary to Caspar Street. This represents an eastward shift of the present CC that runs along Caspar Street south of the Community Center parcel.


The remainder of Parcel 27 will be rezoned as open space or agricultural use to preserve the viewshed from the highway to the town and ocean, and will not be built on.

letter to Caspar Cattle Company and potential buyers

13 February 2005
To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised that the community of Caspar considers that a verbal agreement exists, and has existed for more than two years, between themselves and the owners of Caspar Cattle Company: to exchange community support of increased development density on certain portions of that Company's Caspar holdings in return for transfer of ownership of the land to the south and west of the Caspar Community Center to the community for a village square.

Members of the community have spent hundreds of hours and held many meetings to explore how best to complete our share of the agreement, and to define details of this agreement, in particular how the increased density will impact neighboring parcels where owners may have expected less density adjoining their land based on current zoning. In our continuing effort to uphold our side of the agreement, the community has involved consultants from the University of California, planners from the County Planning and Building Services, and officials of the State Coastal Commission.

In recent years, the Caspar community has worked diligently with the owners of Caspar Cattle Company to acquire and preserve parts of the latter's holdings, and have raised millions of dollars in public and private funding to secure fair compensation for the Cattle Company. It is the community's avowed policy to (1) reach unanimity through consensus, (2) insist on fair treatment for individuals and corporations whose holdings may be affected by the preferences of the community, and (3) work proactively with neighbors and potential developers to a chieve a sustainable, livable result in keeping with the community's mission, to preserve the quality of all life in Caspar.

We are sharing this advice in the spirit of openness and with the sincere hope that present and future owners of Caspar Cattle Company lands will be fully apprised of the community's intentions, and the promises it believes it has been given. We assume that this information will be passed along by the present owners of the Cattle Company to any prospective owners as required by the California Real Estate Code.


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