Urban Myths about Ecology and Development
Environmental protection and land development are incompatible.
Careful land development can enhance environmental resources and reduce pressure on more sensitive resources elsewhere.
Environmentally sensitive development adds little to market value.
Green projects often achieve premium prices and fast absorption rates.
Zoning regulations protect the environment.
Land use regulations often discourage development practices that protect the environment.
Compact development causes more environmental harm than low-density development.
Compact development can direct growth away from environmentally sensitive areas.
Concentrated development means more traffic congestion.
In dense developments, people drive less, walk more, and use mass transit more.
Large-lot residential development preserves open space and reduces infrastructure costs.
Suburban large-lot development often is both ecologically and financially inefficient.
Green building practices are too costly to become mainstream.
The economic competitiveness of green features is on a steep upward curve -- with both market share and demand on the rise.
Developers and environmentalists are always in conflict.
The growth-versus-environment debate is not an either-or proposition.
Urban Land, Jul 2002, p 54, by David J. O'Neill and Victoria R. Wilbur.

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