:: Planning Caspar : : October 2002 charette second round : Planning Caspar from the Center Out |
Following the Charrette, the UC team headed by Cary Knecht and Professor Randy Hester sent four plans and an elaborate "evaluation program" for our consideration. The turn-around requested was very quick, and so the Caspar Community Board met and critiques the plans. Some of the comments can be seen on the overlays of the plans, below. |
This was our favorite, because we liked the circulation -- the way the cars and people move. We loved the campfire, especially Judy. We found plenty to comment on even here, "That sure seems like a lot of buildings!"
There are two considerations that helped us think about all four plans. First, what could the present property owner do if he still held the Community Center and developed it according to the densest approach possible under present zoning and planning codes. Second, what might be the build-out of the site look like in 20, 50, 100 years? |
We wanted to see curving roads, to calm traffic and for interest. We liked this plan becauser of its openness to theand from the center of town (the intersection of Caspar Street and Road.) |
We thought this the best Firehouse placement, but didn't like all the new street. We do understand that the new "street" can be made of permeable paving, so there won't be bad storm runoff. |
We liked the east-west orientation of buildings, but felt they were too massive. Maybe one of the buildings along Caspar Street could be smaller? 20 housing units turns the Center into a sort of clubhouse for the houses and buildings right on the commons. But there would be a lot of life there all the time! |
One of us (Michael) couldn't resist trying his hand at a plan of his own, distilling what seems best of all the four plans, but preserving what seemed to be the concerns of the Board. Any other plans? |
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