Caspar Community Steering Committee Meeting :: 22 January 1999

Vince, Michael, Peter, Mary, Hunter, Ken, and Pat at Caspar Community office. A planned 2.5-hour meeting.

Steering Committee Process
     Ken suggested better ways for us to process information received by one or two of us. He noted that we have not completed some tasks -- bulletin boards, for example -- and recommended that we put more emphasis on carry-through.
     Michael noted that we are three months away from the SC's first birthday, and need to re-evaluate (1) how members are selected, (2) how many members we have, (3) what commitment membership requires prior to our May "Birthday" meeting. He suggests we ask for community ratification of process, structure, and membership, with the possible "changing of the guard" for the May meeting.      Peter noted that "the Steering Committee is a subcommittee of the Caspar Community" and then went on to recall Paul Sutterlee's commitment to make the Friendship Park Committee include everyone who wanted to join. He suggested that we continue to "reach out to the community full tilt" as we evolve.
     Several members suggested we shift away from weekly meetings to monthly SC meetings now that more work can and should be done by subcommittees involving a broader representation of the community. It was strongly recommended that the Steering Committee function more as a clearinghouse, but that actual decisions and recommendations be developed in subcommittees. Vince suggests that rather than tinkering with subcommittee proposals as presented to the SC, concerned members should work with the subcommittee involved to correct any perceived deficiencies.
     Mary noted that the Community Meetings were almost an enlarged Steering Committee meeting.
     Michael moved, calling for passage only in approved unanimously, and Peter seconded a motion: "Skip next Friday's SC meeting, and convene the following Friday (2/5)" -- carried unanimously.

Community Meeting Topics
     Following a suggestion made at our last meeting, we tentatively planned community meeting topics for the next three months.

Draft Goals for 1999
     Goals discussed at the 8 Jan meeting were presented by Pat on Patty's behalf, and a motion was moved, seconded, and unanimously passed that they be sent to all subcommittees for review and adoption. The first-draft goals are as follows:

  1. Acquire the Caspar Cattle Company land by the Year 2000.
  2. Form the Caspar Community as a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation by Spring of 1999.
  3. Continue to build and sustain partnerships with local and state government agencies, organizations, and individuals sharing or furthering our vision.
  4. Raise funds - $100K by Y2K!
  5. Build a strong sense of community through consistent outreach, working for consensus and recognition of all supporters.
     Examples of measurable objectives for each of these goals were tentatively proposed, to be refined and adopted by subcommittees. It was agreed that objectives should be attainable, measurable, but should not be overly specific.

respectfully submitted by Michael Potts

[SC 1/15] previous meeting's minutes : next meeting's minutes [CM 2/19]

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: : posted 1 February 1999 : 8:00 Caspar (Pacific) time : : printed with 100% recycled electrons!