Caspar Community Steering Committee Meeting :: 16 October 1998

Attendees: Michael Potts, Vince Taylor, Judy Tarbell, Ken Clark, Mary Flannery Kraut, Mike Dell'Ara, and Patty Madigan. Facilitator: Joe Curran A planned 2-hour meeting.

   Gorse Debriefing
   Land Trust M.O.U.
   Packard Trust
   Coordinator Update
   Office space, equip., etc.
   Sustainability Response Plan
   Forming a Land Trust/Nonprofit
   Conflict Resolution training

     Discussion regarding Gorse Festival event on Sunday evening. There were some people that were either comp-ed or let through the back door, thus not contributing to the fund raising goal of the event. A subcommittee on event protocol and planning will address how to acknowledge in planning for future event(s).
     The Gorse Festival made about $2,100!
     Gorse Festival Committee: Meridian, Ken, Patty, Michael, & Mary

Land Trust:
     Meeting with MLT scheduled for Wed. Oct. 21 @ 9 AM. Previous meeting was attended by Ken, Mike, and Vince. Some differences in planning styles was observed between the ED of the Land Trust, Board members, and Caspar community reps. The issue of consensus is very important to the Caspar community. Follow up conversations indicate that Board members support our involvement.
     Vince has drafted a letter to the MLT requesting that the Steering Committee of the Caspar Community be: 1) the group recognized as representing the interests of all Caspar residents, 2) MLT be aligned with the philosophy of working by consensus, 3) that our group be primarily responsible for the management plan.

"Our own Organization"--Land Trust/Nonprofit:
     The purpose for developing our own 501-C-3 organization is so that we can hold and manage land in Caspar. A special or community services district can do the same; hold and manage conservation easements. Another interim entity for us to explore is The Trust for Public Land. The person who started it lives in Comptche.      Vince made a motion that we investigate developing an entity that can hold land within the next 3 months. Patty seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Packard Foundation:
     Judy Tarbell wants to look into getting support from the Packard Foundation for purchasing the Caspar Headlands. Michael made a motion supporting Judy's plan. Ken seconded it. Motion was passed unanimously.

Coordinator Update:
     Pat Ackley reports to work on Nov. 5th. We need to assure that the following are ready, or close to being ready: office, equipment/supplies, and housing.
     Michael Potts tells us the office will be ready in 2 to 3 weeks. In the interim, Pat can use space offered by Vince, or possibly Black Bear Press. Susan Keller has offered some equipment. No computer has yet been donated. Michael is the contact person for office issues.
     A housing possibility has been identified with the Tregonning property--initiated by Victoria Tregonning, as a temporary rental for the Ackleys. Vince will be the contact person for housing.

     Susana Morias, a UC grad student working with Randy Hester wants to develop a presentation for the next community meeting on NO. 8th. Susana has attended 2 out of 4 of the neighborhood meetings. Her presentation, first delivered to the Steering Committee, will compile feedback from the neighboorhood meetings.
     Vince expressed concern that this fedback does not constitute enough of the collective voice of Caspar. We need to expand the scope of our outreach. Patty reported that Annie Lee suggested some kind of informational outreach/display at the Nov. 3rd polls.
     Judy will put together a template for the display. Our illustrations/maps need to be in color and better scale. Vince and Judy agreed we need to form a subcommittee for this project.
     Outreach/Feedback Committee: Vince, Mike, Patty (Judy will provide tech. support)

Nonprofit Organization:
     This issue resembles the land trust formation issue. We discussed having Pat Ackley take this on as a task. Judy will also look into it.

Conflict Resolution Training:
     Steve Siler has offered to lead us in two 3 hr. sessions. We need to do some pre-work--appreciation for each other. Patty offered to help coordinate a simple activity. Judy will ask Susan about her survey regarding dates. We agreed tha the best date for us was Nov.13th, and do it all in one day, if possible.

Steering Committee non-attendees:
     Issue of SC members not attending, contributing, or in agreement with the direction of the SC. Rather than personalizing individuals we discussed amending our bylaws. Judy suggested, then made a motion that 3 consecutive un-prearranged absences, or 6 absences in a calendar quarter, will result in being off the SC. Michael seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
     Michael offered to circulate an e-mail with updates on policy.

Other Issues:
     Discussion about whom to pay and whom to acknowledge for their services/time: We will start a list of people we need to thank.

     Ken has volunteered to be our archivist. Where are they? Patty offered to pass her collection, that Hunter help assemble, on to Ken.
     Vince suggested we create a 6 month work plan and focus on developing focused committee groups.

For next meeting:
Review Coordinators job description
Advisory Committee

respectfully submitted by Patty Madigan

previous meeting's minutes : next meeting's minutes

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