Caspar Community Steering Committee Meeting :: 21 August 1998

Mike, Judy, Hunter, Ken, Michael, Patty, Vince at Patty's. A planned 2-hour meeting.

     The draft plans have not arrived as agreed, but may arrive this afternoon (they did).
     Applicants and process for Community Coordinator were reviewed.
     Structure and permutations in the Steering Committee were discussed, and plans for the next month were made.
     Newsletter and publishing plans were reviewed. Mailing should be finished by 26 August. (It was.)

Advisory Committee
     It was moved by Patty and seconded by Michael that "An Advisory Committee be formed to assist the Steering Committee in acheiving its community goals." Passed unanimously after discussion and a list of possible members was begun.

Addition to Steering Committee
     It was moved Mike and seconded by Ken that "Susan Keller be a member of the Steering Committee." Passed uanimously.

Non-Profit Status
     Vince reported results of conference with Dharma Cloud's lawyer, who is comfortable with the relationship between DC and Caspar Community and it fund. Vince will research non-profit liability protections for Steering and Advisory Committee members.

Planning Contract
     Mike informed us that the payment schedule for the UC Berkeley planning project had been postponed, so that the payment due on 15 August would be due on 1 September, the 1 September payment would be due on 22 September, and the 15 September payment will be due on 15 October.

respectfully submitted by Michael Potts

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