Caspar Community : : Goals for 2001
  1. Plan for the immediate future and for the next hundred years
    1. Enlarge the vision and solicit inclusions in our planning, creating multiple ways for input
    2. Involve all groups with a stake in Caspar, and all Caspar residents, renters as well as owners
    3. Update and refine the present plan, incorporating successes and new insights
      1. Extend the planning limits to include all of Caspar
        1. Complete the gathering of data describing Caspar: hydrology, soils, improvements
        2. Create a relief map and computerized map for visualizing and analyzing change
        3. Complete a denser land use vision for the area around the Community Center
      2. Work with the County to improve their planning maps
    4. Continue to work in close partnership with the county toward pathways, improved infrastructure, rezoning, better land use planning, an updated Local Coastal Plan, and other County services
    5. Develop a simple and consistent Project Model and make sure it applies and is applied to all projects we undertake
      1. Opportunity identification and ownership
      2. Business plan when necessary
      3. Project-oriented fund raising and accounting
      4. Project implementation in accord with goals of inclusiveness and sustainability
  2. Acquire important bits of Caspar as they become available and affordable
    1. Prioritize acquisitions based on the Plan
      1. Make sure that acquisitions serve present residents
      2. Candidates: Little house, Community Center, affordable existing housing, affordable new housing, duck pond, firehouse, water system, ...?
    2. With acquisition, arrange for endowment and long-term management
      1. Involve other groups in ownership, and trust their organizational competency
      2. Limit Caspar Community ownership to properties strictly limited to Caspar Community uses
  3. Build community, sweat equity in infrastructure, and community governance
    1. Continue to communicate with our community in all possible ways
      1. Newsletter and mailings
      2. Website and emailings
      3. Speakers bureau and outreach to other groups
    2. Steward the headlands and work to consolidate our successes to date
      1. Identify urgent ecological threats and opportunities and lobby for immediate action
      2. Develop stewardship as the primary community building activity of the Caspar Community
    3. Support and include all Caspar groups and individuals identified in I.B
    4. Spawn new programs and/or groups to manage aspects of ownership and building
    5. Create a climate of opportunity in Caspar primarily for Caspar and Coastal residents
  4. Celebrate! Rejoice in our successes, while being generous and inclusive in our celebrations
    1. Care for what we have, consolidate our successes, and preserve the qualities for ALL life
    2. Recognize contributions, and arrange for lasting recognition of special accomplishments
    3. Keep the plan looking forward 100 years -- meaning it must be constantly refined and updated
    4. Keep the visions broad, inclusive, and sustainable
    5. Seek to establish a pattern of orderly, deliberate projects and consistent, logical application
    6. Build and celebrate our growing community and our skills in working together

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posted 2o January 2001 (Hello, Dubya) 11:14 Caspar (Pacific) time : : printed with 100% recycled electrons!