Caspar Village Land Use Narrative 2nd Draft

  1. General Description
  2. Preserve
  3. Agricultural
  4. Residential
  5. Commercial
  6. Light Industrial
expert help is being sought on articles marked PenHand.gif - 173 Bytes
1 : Caspar Village Planning Area - General description
1.1For the purposes of this document, the Caspar Village Plan proposes land use designations for those parcels north of Caspar Creek owned by the Caspar Cattle Company on 1 February 1999.
1.1.1For planning purposes, Caspar Village is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the north by Jughandle Creek, on the east by Jackson State Forest, and on the south by Caspar Creek.
1.1.2Other property owners in Caspar Village may elect to place their parcels under these new designations as appropriate.
1.2Caspar Village is the remnant of a much more populous and industrialized town. The primary purposes of this plan are as follows:
1.2.1Preserve the quality of all life in Caspar. damaged land to its natural, pre-settlement state. original endemic and native life forms and ecological diversity. the increase of density and type of human habitations and developments in accordance with the foregoing purposes. and enhance existing property values while increasing the sustainability of Caspar's communities. a measure for the success of the preceding purposes, the following species, original residents of Caspar Village, are to be regarded as indicator species. No planning decisions may be allowed which may decrease the viability of an indicator species.
1.3No parcels covered by the Caspar Village Plan may be managed in such a way as to compromise these purposes.
1.4PenHand.gif - 173 BytesDevelopment and conduct of business in the Village of Caspar will be governed by regulations administered by a community-based agency, called hereafter the "Agency". Definitions to be determined...
1.4.1Development will be permitted only with the approval of the Agency.
1.4.2The Agency will provide guidance and incentives to help owners develop their lands in accordance with the Village Plan. In the extreme case, failure to comply with the Village Plan will result in condemnation of the property by right of eminent domain.
1.5In general, all activities, including but not limited to new building and development in Caspar, will follow the following strictures:
1.5.1PenHand.gif - 173 BytesBuildings and plantings will be planned and situated so that registered scenic corridors to the ocean and solar access of existing buildings will be preserved.
1.5.2Structures and plantings will not be permitted which interfere with the solar window of adjacent property. In general, this means that no tree, bush, or structure is permitted which exceeds in height its distance from a northern boundary.
1.5.3Materials and techniques used in buildings in Caspar must conform to the best technology with regard to energy performance and material choice, in order to minimize dependence on external energy sources and to preserve environmental harm at all times during construction, occupancy, and eventual dismantling.
1.5.4Activities and development will in no case be allowed to deplete the land.
1.5.5Extractive uses are specifically NOT permissible within the Caspar Village planning area. With the exception of crops, materials taken from the land in Caspar may not be used outside the Village.
1.5.6Persistent or dangerous chemicals will not be used on the land. internal combustion engines are specifically excluded from use. the case where a chemical has been recognized by the Agency as essential for control of an exotic plant pest, its use is acceptable.
1.6.1PenHand.gif - 173 BytesIndicator species are the following indigenous species: coho salmon, white-tailed kite, grey whale, burrowing owl, shore pine, sitka spruce
1.6.2PenHand.gif - 173 BytesRegistered scenic corridors describe the full view to the ocean, and are registered with the Agency. The permissible number and scope of such corridors and the registration process is to be determined.
1.6.3A solar window describes direct access to sunshine in all months of the year from two hours after sunrise until two hours before sunset.
1.6.4Land Use Classifications determine types of development within an area identified on the Village Map which is herein included by reference.
1.6.5A variance is required for any development not specifically described in this plan.
1.6.6The Classifications are given below in hierarchical order, and any higher use may be made of a parcel without a variance.
1.6.7A lot or land unit is the minimum area which may be leased, owned, or developed under this plan
1.6.8Persistent or dangerous chemical are any compound, substance, material, or product, regardless of common practice, state, or federal law and regulation, which cannot be proven to be safely present in any concentration in the environment shared by the indicator species.
1.6.9No-impact cottage industry in no way impacts, through noise, smell, visual clutter, pollutants, increased traffic, or in any other way, residents of adjacent properties; this specifically includes indicator species. Such cottage industry may create reasonable but not incessant noise during the normal business hours of 9am to 5pm weekdays. Cottage industry must be permitted, and a permit may be revoked if these conditions are violated.

2 : PR : Preserve-Restore land use designation : 83.38 acres
2.1Land classified as PR is to be restored to its pre-settlement state and preserved in that state in perpetuity.
2.2PenHand.gif - 173 BytesUses consistent with the PR classification are trails; subsistence food-gathering; light recreation; wildlife conservation; restoration of topsoil, native vegetation, and animal life; eradication of exotic plant species.
2.3Internal combustion engines and other polluting activities are not allowed on land classified PR.
2.3.1Except for the taking of subsistence food items, the taking of any materials from PR-classed land will be by permit only, and will be limited to exotic flora.
2.4There is no minimum lot size, nor is there provision for habitation on PR lands.
2.4.1Structures conforming to the strictures in article 1.5 above may be built for recreational purposes
2.4.2Two or more of the following amenities may NOT be present in any such building: hot water, toilet, cooking facilities, refrigeration, sleeping accommodations.

3 : PenHand.gif - 173 BytesAg : Agricultural land use designation : 38.06 acres
3.1Land classified as Ag is intended for agricultural use consistent with the purposes set forth in article 1.
3.2Uses consistent with the Ag classification are row and field cropping, market gardening, orchards, vineyards; livestock breeding and raising ; composting; aquaculture as well as preservation as detailed in article 2.
3.2.1Crops and agricultural practices which broadcast their effects or cause degradation of quality of life on surrounding land or on indicator species are prohibited.
3.2.2The density of livestock will not be permitted to damage the land. Abuse of this article will be considered an extractive use.
3.3All activities will conform with strictures detailed in article 1.5 above.
3.4There is no minimum lot size, nor is there provision for habitation on Ag lands.
3.4.1Agricultural outbuildings must be sited in accordance with building strictures noted in article 1.5 above. - 173 BytesAgricultural outbuildings may not exceed 5% of the area of the immediate land unit. - 173 BytesNo single agricultural outbuilding may be larger that 600 square feet, nor taller than 12 feet. or more of the following amenities may NOT be present in any single agricultural outbuilding: hot water, toilet, cooking facilities, refrigeration, sleeping accommodations.
3.4.2Greenhouses must be sited in accordance with building strictures noted in article 1.5 above. - 173 BytesGreenhouses may not exceed 25% of the area of the immediate land unit. - 173 BytesNo single greenhouse may be larger that 2,000 square feet, nor taller than 12 feet. or more of the following amenities may NOT be present in any single greenhouse: hot water, toilet, cooking facilities, refrigeration, sleeping accommodations.

4 : R : Village Residential land use designation : 59.22 acres
4.1Land classified as R is intended for residential use consistent with the purposes set forth in article 1.
4.1.1Existing dwellings will be preserved, or, if replacement is necessary, the footprint and original general appearance will be replicated.
4.2Uses consistent with the R classification are single family residence, single person residence, multi-family residence, intentional community residence, no-impact cottage industry, agriculture as well as any of the uses allowed in articles 2 and 3.
4.2.1Use for vacation rental, serial, or transient occupancy is not permitted. No more than one change of occupancy per three months is permitted.
4.2.2Land classified as Residential-sensitive (R* or R-star) requires that development be particularly careful to preserve habitat for indicator species on adjacent lands. general, R* land will not be developed until all R land has been built out to the greatest density provided for in the plan.* land will be developed provisionally, and the risk of development will remain with the developer or owner. If at some time in the future it is demonstrated that development on R* land has a deleterious effect on indicator species living on adjoining land, the development will be abated at the developer's expense.* lots may not be transferred except to new owners who specifically accept the foregoing condition and risk of continued tenancy.
4.2.3RC* land is intended for clustered housing as defined below; in general, clustered developments will preserve at least half of the contiguous parcel in its natural state.
4.3All activities, including but not limited to new building, renovation, or other development, will conform with strictures detailed in article 1.5 above.
4.3.1Storm run-off from roofs will be contained within 10 feet of the structure, or builders will participate in neighborhood-scale storm run-off management techniques.
4.3.2Impermeable pavement areas are limited to walkways no wider than 4 feet wide; storm runoff must be contained within ten feet of the walkway
4.3.3Driveways and new roadways will be surfaced with permeable material.
4.4The minimum lot size is equal to the footprint of the smallest permissible dwelling, which is 400 square feet. Maximum lot sizes are determined for each residential area by the following chart

area : name acres zoning maximum
lot size
total units
3 : Eastern 13.97 R 4 acres 4,000 sf 3
5 : Overlook 9.19 R 3 acres 4,000 sf 3
6 : Forest 10.02 R 1 acre 1,200 sf 9
7 : Crossroads 4.70 R 1 acre 1,200 sf 5
9 : North Pond 12.34 RC* 1.5 acre 1,200 sf 8
12 : Central 5.74 R 1 acre 1,200 sf 6
15 : Riparian 1.76 R* 1 acre 900 sf 2
18 : Creekside 2.5 R 1 acre 900 sf 3
4.4.1Minimum setbacks between non-clustered buildings will extend onto adjacent land even if not part of the lot. Setbacks include streets and alleys. Setbacks are computed as follows: dwelling units with footprints less than 1,000 square feet, the setback is based on the height of the structure, as follows: north and east, the setback is equal to one-and-one-half times the height of the house as measured vertically from the lowest point of the corresponding wall to a point at the elevation of the peak of the structure. setback is applied from the point of the closest approach of the new building's perimeter to the existing building perimeter. dwelling units with footprints greater than 1,000 square feet, the setback is calculated as the greater of the preceding method, or twice the greatest dimension of the dwelling to north and east.
4.4.2Four types of structure may be permitted within the Village Residential classification: single family dwelling, cottage housing, cluster housing, and non-residential outbuildings. - 173 BytesThe carrying capacity of Caspar Village Residentially classified land is considered to be 4 persons per acre. Residential accommodations for more than the carrying capacity will not be permitted. residential and associates structures will conform to strictures set forth in article 1.5. family dwellings (SFD) conform to Mendocino County land use descriptions and are built on one or more units of land. housing is intended to increase the amount of affordable housing in Caspar Village. Cottage housing is not intended to provide substandard living arrangements. No more than one cottage may be built per unit of land. housing will provide a minimum of 400 square feet per occupant. housing will not exceed 2,000 square feet including sleeping and storage lofts, and will not exceed a footprint of 1,200 square feet. land units greater than 2 acres, one cottage may be collocated with an SFD provided that the total allowable footprint for both dwellings does not exceed the maximum. may be aggregated to provide clustered community housing (CCH). The purpose of CCH is to provide for extended families, special care situations with resident administration, and other intentional self-governing communities. accordance with article, the aggregate total of CCH may not exceed the 4 persons per acre, although the CCH may be clustered on fewer units. total square footage of the CCH, including common space and private space, shall not be less than 300 square feet per resident nor more than 600 square feet per resident. outbuildings may be constructed as garages, warehouses and storage, and for no-impact cottage industry. must conform to setback rules, and the total of all structural footprints within a radius of 100 feet of an outbuilding must not exceed 10% of the available space. may not exceed 400 square feet nor, except water towers, be taller than 10 feet. following amenities may NOT be present in any residential outbuilding: toilet, cooking facilities, refrigeration, sleeping accommodations.
4.4.3The maximum footprint of the dwelling unit is determined by the chart in article 4.4 for each residential parcel, based on the type of residence. Structural height is measured from the highest point of intersection between original grade and perimeter to the highest roof peak. footprint for a single family unit is 4,000 square feet. Maximum height for a an SFD is 28 feet. footprint for a cottage is 1,200 square feet. Maximum height for a cottage is 20 feet. footprint for clustered community housing shall not exceed 300 square feet per resident, and such dwellings may not 28 feet in height.
4.4.4Clustering -- zero-separation -- is specifically permitted for dwellings of any size, and setbacks are calculated based on the closest unit. housing may be situated with a zero setback along the east-west axis, but not along the north-south axis. For the purposes of improving scenic and solar access, clustered houses may be offset by up to ten feet north or south of the adjacent dwelling. cluster housing must be constructed to preserve scenic corridors; in general, one-story units may not be built east of two-story units.

5 : PenHand.gif - 173 BytesC : Village Commercial land use designation : 3.49 acres
5.1The intention of this land use is to support neighboring residences with supplies and employment consistent with the purposes set forth in article 1.
5.2Uses consistent with the C classification are retail stores, service businesses, and professional offices, as any of the uses allowed in articles 2, 3, and 4.
5.2.1Industrial practices that broadcast their effects or cause degradation of quality of life on surrounding land or on indicator species are prohibited.
5.3All activities, including but not limited to new building, renovation, or other development, will conform with strictures detailed in article 1.5 above except as noted in 5.4.1 below.
5.4The minimum lot size is one-half acre. Residential accommodations may be permitted.
5.4.1Scenic corridor and solar access requirements are in effect for C classified lands. Zero setbacks are specifically permitted.
5.4.2All types of structures detailed in articles 3 and 4 may be permitted. Structures may occupy up to 50% of the available land.
5.4.3Use must conform to the no-impact standard stated in article 1.6.9 except that acceptable hours for ordinary traffic (but not noise) are extended to 6am to midnight seven days a week. Customer traffic is not permitted between midnight and 6am.
5.4.4Off-street parking for more than 4 cars per 50 feet of frontage must be provided in accordance with projected commuter and commuting customer loads.

6 : PenHand.gif - 173 BytesLI : Village Light Industrial land use designation : 12.63 acres
6.1The intention of this land use is to support neighboring residences with employment consistent with the purposes set forth in article 1.
6.2Uses consistent with the LI classification are research, publishing, catalog fulfillment businesses, warehousing, non-polluting assembly and fabrication, office, services, recreation, entertainment, as any of the uses allowed in articles 2, 3, 4, and 5.
6.2.1Industrial practices that broadcast their effects or cause degradation of quality of life on surrounding land or on indicator species are prohibited.
6.3All activities, including but not limited to new building, renovation, or other development, will conform with strictures detailed in article 1.5 above.
6.4The minimum lot size is two acres. Residential accommodations may be permitted.
6.4.1Scenic corridor and solar access requirements stated in 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 are not enforced with regard to other Light Industrial classified land, but are enforced with regard to Residentially classified land. Zero setbacks are permitted.
6.4.2All types of structures detailed in articles 3 and 4 may be permitted. Structures may occupy up to 50% of the available land.
6.4.3Use must conform to the no-impact standard stated in article 1.6.9 except that acceptable hours for ordinary traffic (but not noise) are extended to 6am to midnight seven days a week. Customer traffic is not permitted between midnight and 6am.
6.4.4Off-street parking for more than 4 cars per 50 feet of frontage must be provided in accordance with projected commuter and commuting customer loads.

To comment, or for more information, please email Michael Potts, document manager, at

This document has been read and approved for web circulation by the Caspar Community's Plan and Acquisition Committee.
Please do not circulate or reproduce without their approval.
Any unauthorized circulation shall be considered breach of copyright and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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