Caspar Community Board Meeting :: 21 May 1999 PARTIAL minutes

Vince, Peter, Patty, Meridian, Mike, Judy, Mary, Michael; Pat attending; Hunter excused due to illness; Alexandria Alexander present. A planned 2-hour meeting.

Gorse Grant Request
     Michael requested approval of a hurry-up Native Plant Conservation Initiative grant. Patty expressed concern of having too many small grants. Michael pointed out that one of our grant partners, Louisa Morris, had experience administering this type of grant and had agreed to manage that aspect of this grant if we should receive it. Mike moved, Peter seconded a motion approving our seeking the grant, which was then passed unanimously.

     It was announced that Hunter would host architect Pat More at noon on 4 June. The Caspar South meeting is on 10 July, and Mary will keep us updated. The Caspar Picnic is coming up on the same date, but we are not sure (1) where, or (2) if we are welcome. Patty will research this.

Legislative Campaign
     It continues to be of great importance that we lobby our legislators and other influential lawmakers. Judy, Vince, Patty, Meridian, and Michael will work together.

Conflict of Interest
     After protracted discussion, it was agreed (1) that we would each sign an agreement not to self-deal, and it was moved by Michael and seconded by Vince that the topic be tabled; passed unanimously.

Annual Meeting
     Judy moved and Michael seconded the motion to set the Annual Meeting for the second Sunday in September. Passed unanimously.

     A slate of operating officers was proposed: Mike Dell'Ara president, Judy Tarbell vice-president, Patty Madigan secretary, and Vince Taylor treasurer. Meridian moved and Michael seconded a motion to name these officers, and the motion passed unanimously.
     At this point the keeping of the minutes passed to Patty; the remainder of this meeting's minutes will be available online soon.

respectfully submitted by Michael Potts

{CM 5/9} {BD 5/14} previous meetings : next meetings {BD 6/4}

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: : posted 7 June 1999 : 11:27 Caspar (Pacific) time : : printed with 100% recycled electrons!